Singapore Maid Agency
Hi there! We’re the founders of Craft a Maid Singapore Maid Agency. We are a family with 2 beautiful kids. It’s been said many times before, but no two families are alike.
Hi there! We’re the founders of Craft a Maid Singapore Maid Agency. We are a family with 2 beautiful kids. It’s been said many times before, but no two families are alike.
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The reason why you decide to click on this article is that this may be the third or fourth time you are looking for a maid in a month or year. Many employers are stress and tired of dealing with new maids every time.
Even with reliable maids hired through domestic helper agencies in Singapore, there will be no guarantee it will be easy. The sudden scene of your maid can make you be in an anxiety mode even though you are paying her, treating her well, handling a difficult maid is not a simple task.
Most people who never ever deal or hire maids in Singapore create a vision of relaxing on a couch while bingeing Netflix and sipping coffee after hiring a maid.
But sorry to pour water on your expectation because the reality is far different. Hiring a maid in Singapore is not the end of the story as you still must manage a “stranger” whose task is to make your life easier. Managing a maid is not an easy-breezy affair but not that difficult either when you know the way to do it right. Here is some tips and guidelines to managing a maid efficiently.
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est.
Especially at this “covid 19” pandemic times is one the most significant reasons for a maid to vanish. If they (Singapore Transfer Maid) already have so many options on hand, then maybe you are not that important to them. They may agree to do your job for the sake of money and soon plan to leave once they realize that it’s not working for them.
Well, they are free to choose who they want to work for. If they don’t like your attitude, they will just leave. Who love to work for a horrible boss with mean remarks or micromanage you? Imagine working in such a stressful and exhausting environment and how hard it is to face an outburst of drama every single day?
Avoid overworking your maid and inappropriate attitude if you want to retain your maid.
After all, maids are still human beings, and they can also have their personal problems and issues, right? At times, when family comes to play, they are forced to leave their job. So, it’s always nice to have a conversation with her to understand her situation back at home and by figuring out if they are facing any emotional trauma can build a trusting relationship between you and the maid.
She may have agreed to a salary while getting hired, sometimes she may look for rewards or extra benefit as she feels she had put in extra effort in her daily job scope, hence feeling unappreciated. Not having these benefits or bonus may disappoint her and make her leave work
Now that the reasons are clear enough of why Singapore maids are forced to leave their job it’s time to get to the point of how you can manage a maid.
Firstly, ask yourself why do you want to hire a maid and decide whether do you really need a full-time maid or part-time maid/nanny? After which state your expectation and clearly mention these expectations and monitor the maid’s response during the interview process. A good maid agency in Singapore will help to advise and gauge throughout the interview process as well.
Explain clearly if you have any needs such as general household or taking care of your little ones. Always write down the expectations will ensure your maid is being constantly reminded of what is expected of her. Of course, the expectation must be reasonable!
It is common sense to respect any one everyone in the world, needless say a maid who help to fulfill your needs when you are out at work or act as your extra pair of hands. Maid is just like anyone of us with feelings and the physical capacity of working. Unless you are still living under the rocks one should not treat a maid like a slave. You should show her compassion for the times when she falls ill or having trouble at home. Should she need a break or recovery, re-arrange her schedule or workload would help!
When is your last time smiling with your maid? Even if you have the busiest schedule every single day, COME ON, you should at least show some etiquette by asking how she is. It takes me 3 second to type how about you asking this question? Your little effort can make their day as well as feeling important being part of your family.
Bear in mind that every maid is a human being and as a human being we need enough rest to work or do our daily chores. Allowing your maid to have at least 7 hours of undisturbed rest will help her to work well with enough energy. Not only you are considered a good employer, but the chances of her work will be more productive and efficient. Being said after her probation period, try to give them a rest day each week.
Just like anyone of us, she also needs adequate food with proper nutrition to be healthy to perform her task well. Working out a schedule with her on her meals, rest and sleep timing will be beneficial in a long run.
Sounds contradicting right? Not really. You need to speak up when something is not done appropriately. Otherwise, she will not know that you are not satisfied.
But sometimes when your frustration peaks, your anger may build up and your attempt to be kind will only misfire.
She cannot read your mind anyways. So, make her understand the work politely and don’t be vague with your instructions.
Feedback is crucial for improvement. Let her know whether she has done an excellent job or a sloppy job that needs her improvement. But back to the previous point, be firm yet polite and make sure your feedback seems like scolding or blaming. On the flip side of the coin also praise and reward her for the good work she has done. This will motivate her to go the extra mile to do her work.
Every good work should be recognized and reward accordingly. Even a small amount of cash incentives or an extra day off can make your maid feel appreciated and brightens up her day! I believe when your boss gave you’re a pay raise you will feel appreciated as well.
Have you ever heard before a news whereby a maid help a boy to carry their army belongings? Or when did you notice a maid will even tie her employer shoelace at a park? Why would you want to do that, you end bring viral on the internet!
Although the maid is a domestic helper, they need not do such simple tasks. You can always do things that you can still manage to do.
If you don’t like someone in your life you will either ignore the person or even have a conversation with the person to straighten things up. So don’t ever abuse your maid even if you don’t like her. And by abusing, I mean physically as well as verbally because you can get yourself into trouble and face severe penalties if convicted. And by hampering your maid emotionally will not do any good to you or solve the solution.
Lastly, avoid opting for the wrong maid agency/service in Singapore. Do your research and look for reviews before engaging a helper in Singapore. This will save you a lot of trouble.
Till then stay safe and be safe!
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